
Google Search Operators cheat sheet

Google Search Operators cheat sheet. Explore our ultimate quick reference for Google Search Operators.

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to Google Search operators, which allow users to refine and optimize their search results for greater accuracy. It includes both basic and advanced operators, covering a wide range of uses, from searching specific phrases to locating files in Google Drive or emails in Gmail.

Basic Operators

“ ”

  • Description: Searches for an exact phrase, preventing synonyms from appearing.
  • Example: "artificial intelligence" (Searches for the exact phrase).


  • Description: Boolean search that looks for either one word or another.
  • Example: apple OR orange (Finds pages containing either "apple" or "orange").


  • Description: Functions like OR but using the pipe symbol.
  • Example: apple | orange.


  • Description: Excludes specific words from results.
  • Example: apple -fruit (Searches for apple excluding references to fruit).


  • Description: Acts as a wildcard for any word or phrase.
  • Example: best * tools (Finds phrases like "best SEO tools" or "best marketing tools").


  • Description: Finds a range of numbers.
  • Example: camera $100..$300 (Searches for cameras within this price range).

$ /

  • Description: Searches for prices in USD or Euros.
  • Example: smartphone $500 or smartphone €500.


  • Description: Converts units (currency, measurements, etc.).
  • Example: 100 USD in GBP.


  • Description: Groups terms together to control search logic.
  • Example: (apple OR orange) AND juice.


  • Description: Forces an exact match on a single word or phrase.
  • Example: +apple.

Advanced Operators


  • Description: Limits search results to a specific website or domain.
  • Example: (Searches only within Wikipedia).

filetype: / ext:

  • Description: Finds specific file types (e.g., PDFs, Word documents).
  • Example: marketing strategy filetype:pdf.
  • Description: Shows pages that link to a specific URL.
  • Example:

intitle: / allintitle:

  • Description: Searches for keywords within a page title.
  • Example: intitle:SEO tools.

inurl: / allinurl:

  • Description: Finds pages with keywords in the URL.
  • Example: inurl:blog.

intext: / allintext:

  • Description: Finds pages with specific keywords in the body text.
  • Example: intext:artificial intelligence.


  • Description: Finds two keywords within a specific distance of each other.
  • Example: apple AROUND(5) orange (Finds instances where "apple" and "orange" appear within 5 words of each other).


  • Description: Shows Google's cached version of a page.
  • Example:


  • Description: Pulls the definition of a word or phrase.
  • Example: define:blockchain.
  • Description: Finds websites similar to a specified domain.
  • Example:


  • Description: Displays the weather for a specified location.
  • Example: weather:London.


  • Description: Shows stock information for a given ticker.
  • Example: stocks:AAPL.

Mail and Drive Operators

from: / to:


  • Description: Finds emails based on subject keywords.
  • Example: subject:meeting.


  • Description: Finds emails with attachments.
  • Example: has:attachment.


  • Description: Searches for specific attachments by file name or type.
  • Example: filename:report.pdf.

before: / after:

  • Description: Finds emails or files modified before or after a specific date.
  • Example: before:2020/01/01.

is:important / is:unread

  • Description: Searches emails marked as important or unread.
  • Example: is:important.


  • Description: Searches Google Drive files by owner.
  • Example: owner:me.

Tips and Sources

Useful Tips

  • Use quotation marks for precise searches.
  • Combine operators for refined results (e.g., intitle:SEO).
  • For time-sensitive data, use before: and after: operators.