
6502 cheat sheet

6502 cheat sheet. Explore our ultimate quick reference for 6502.

This 6502 Cheat Sheet encapsulates the core elements essential for programming with the 6502 microprocessor, covering registers, flags, addressing modes, and a succinct overview of memory layout. It breaks down the instruction set into logical categories like Load/Store operations, Arithmetic, and System Control, enhancing understanding with flag effects for each command. Highlighting illegal opcodes and offering practical tips, this guide is a handy reference for both beginners and experienced programmers, supplemented with useful links for deeper exploration.

Key Concepts


  • A (Accumulator): Used for arithmetic, logic operations, and data transfer.
  • X and Y (Index Registers): Used for indexing and loops.
  • PC (Program Counter): Points to the next instruction to execute.
  • SP (Stack Pointer): Points to the current top of the stack.
  • SR (Status Register): Holds FLAGS [NV-BDIZC] that describe the state of the processor. See a detailed description in the following block.


  • N (Negative): Set if the result of the last operation is negative.
  • V (Overflow): Set if the last addition or subtraction resulted in an overflow.
  • B (Break Command): Set when a software interrupt (BRK instruction) is executed.
  • D (Decimal Mode): Set if the processor is in decimal mode.
  • I (Interrupt Disable): Set to disable interrupts.
  • Z (Zero): Set if the result of the last operation is zero.
  • C (Carry): Set if the last operation resulted in a carry out or borrow into the high order bit.

Addressing Modes

  • Immediate: LDA #$FF - Load immediate value into A.
  • Zero Page: LDA $00 - Access memory location on the zero page.
  • Zero Page,X/Y: LDX $00,X - Access memory using zero page address offset by X or Y.
  • Absolute: JMP $F000 - Jump to a specific memory address.
  • Absolute,X/Y: STA $3000,X - Store A at an address offset by X or Y.
  • Indirect: JMP ($FFFC) - Jump to the address stored at a specific location.
  • Indexed Indirect: LDA ($40,X) - Use X to find a zero page address which points to the target address.
  • Indirect Indexed: LDA ($40),Y - Use a zero page address to find a base address, then add Y.

Memory Layout

  • The 6502's program counter is 16 bits wide, so up to 2^16 (65536) bytes of memory are addressable.
  • 16-bit values are stored in memory in little-endian.
  • Signed integers can represent values from -128 (%10000000) to +127 (%01111111).
Region Contents Description
$0000 - $00FF Zero page Faster to access than other pages.
$0100 - $01FF Stack Last-in first-out data structure (LIFO). Grows backwards from $01FF to $0100. Used by some transfer, stack, and subroutine instructions
$0200 - $FFFF General-purpose Memory that can be used for whatever purpose needed. Devices that use the 6502 processor may choose to reserve sub-regions for other purposes.


Load/Store Operations

  • LDA Load Accumulator with Memory (M → A)
  • LDX Load X Register with Memory (M → X)
  • LDY Load Y Register with Memory (M → Y)
  • STA Store Accumulator in Memory (A → M)
  • STX Store X Register in Memory (X → M)
  • STY Store Y Register in Memory (Y → M)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
LDA - - - - - -
LDX - - - - - -
LDY - - - - - -
STA - - - - - - - -
STX - - - - - - - -
STY - - - - - - - -


  • TAX Transfer Accumulator To X (A → X)
  • TAY Transfer Accumulator To Y (A → Y)
  • TSX Transfer Stack Pointer To X (S → X)
  • TXA Transfer X to Accumulator (X → A)
  • TYA Transfer Y to Accumulator (Y → A)
  • TXS Transfer X to Stack Pointer (A → X)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
TAX - - - - - -
TAY - - - - - -
TSX - - - - - -
TXA - - - - - -
TYA - - - - - -
TXS - - - - - - - -


  • PHA Push Accumulator On Stack (A↓)
  • PHP Push Processor Status On Stack (P↓)
  • PLA Pull Accumulator From Stack (A↑)
  • PLP Pull Processor Status From Stack (P↑)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
PHA - - - - - - - -
PHP - - - - - - - -
PLA - - - - - -
PLP - -


  • ADC Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry (A+M+C → A, C)
  • SBC Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow* (A-M -~C → A)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
ADC - - - -
SBC - - - -
  • Borrow is defined as the carry flag complemented.


  • INC Increment Memory by 1 (M+1 → M)
  • INX Increment X Register by 1 (X+1 → X)
  • INY Increment Y Register by 1 (Y+1 → Y)
  • DEC Decrement Memory by 1 (M-1 → M)
  • DEX Decrement X Register by 1 (X-1 → X)
  • DEY Decrement Y Register by 1 (Y-1 → Y)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
INC - - - - - -
INX - - - - - -
INY - - - - - -
DEC - - - - - -
DEX - - - - - -
DEY - - - - - -

Shifts and Rotations

  • ASL Arithmetic Shift Left (C←[M7...M0]←0)
  • LSR Logical Shift Right (0→[M7...M0]→C)
  • ROL Rotate Left (C←[M7...M0]←C)
  • ROR Rotate Right (C→[M7...M0]→C)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
ASL - - - - -
LSR 0 - - - - -
ROL - - - - -
ROR - - - - -


  • AND AND Memory with Accumulator (A ∧ M → A)
  • ORA OR Memory with Accumulator (A ∨ M → A)
  • EOR Exclusive OR Memory with Accumulator (A ⊻ M → A)
  • BIT Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator (A ∧ M, M7→N, M6 → V)
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
AND - - - - - -
ORA - - - - - -
EOR - - - - - -
BIT - - - - -


  • CMP Compare Memory and Accumulator
  • CPX Compare Memory and Index X
  • CPY Compare Memory and Index Y
Compare Result N Z C
A, X, or Y < Memory * 0 0
A, X, or Y = Memory 0 1 1
A, X, or Y > Memory * 0 1


  • BCC Branch on Carry Clear (C = 0)
  • BCS Branch on Carry Set (C = 1)
  • BEQ Branch on Result Zero (Z = 1)
  • BMI Branch on Result Minus (N = 1)
  • BNE Branch on Result not Zero (Z = 0)
  • BPL Branch on Result Plus (N = 0)
  • BVC Branch on Overflow Clear (V = 0)
  • BVS Branch on Overflow Set (V = 1)


  • CLC Clear Carry Flag (0 → C)
  • CLD Clear Decimal Mode (0 → D)
  • CLI Clear Interrupt Disable (0 → I)
  • CLV Clear Overflow Flag (0 → V)
  • SEC Set Carry Flag (1 → C)
  • SED Set Decimal Mode (1 → D)
  • SEI Set Interrupt Disable (1 → I)
  • NOP No Operation
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
CLC - - - - - - - 0
CLD - - - - 0 - - -
CLI - - - - - 0 - -
CLV - 0 - - - - - -
SEC - - - - - - - 1
SED - - - - 1 - - -
SEI - - - - - 1 - -
NOP - - - - - - - -

System Control

  • BRK Force Break (PC + 2↓)
  • JMP Jump to New Location ([PC + 1]→PCL, [PC + 2]→PCH)
  • JSR Jump to Subroutine (PC + 2↓)
  • RTI Return from Interrupt (P↑ PC↑)
  • RTS Return from Subroutine (PC↑, PC + 1→PC)
  • NOP No Operation
Instr. N V - B D I Z C
BRK - - - - - 1 - -
JMP - - - - - - - -
JSR - - - - - - - -
RTI - -
RTS - - - - - - - -
NOP - - - - - - - -

Illegal opcodes

  • ALR AND + LSR (A AND oper, 0 → [M7...M0] → C)
  • ANC AND + set C as ASL (A AND oper, bit(7) → C)
  • ANC (ANC2) AND oper + set C as ROL (A AND oper, bit(7) → C)
  • ANE (XAA) AND X + AND oper (unsatble)
  • ARR AND oper + ROR (A AND oper, C → [M7...M0] → C)
  • DCP (DCM) DEC oper + CMP oper (M - 1 → M, A - M)
  • ISC (ISB, INS) INC oper + SBC oper (M + 1 → M, A - M - C → A)
  • LAS (LAR) LDA/TSX oper (M AND SP → A, X, SP)
  • LAX LDA oper + LDX oper (M → A → X)
  • LXA Store * AND oper in A and X (highly unstable)
  • RLA ROL oper + AND oper (M = C ← [M7...M0] ← C, A AND M → A)
  • RRA ROR oper + ADC oper (M = C → [M7...M0] → C, A + M + C → A, C)
  • SAX (AXS, AAX) A AND X → M
  • SBX (AXS, SAX) (A AND X) - oper → X
  • SHA (AHX, AXA) A AND X AND (H+1) → M
  • SHX (A11, SXA, XAS) Stores X AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
  • SHY (A11, SYA, SAY) Stores Y AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
  • SLO (ASO) ASL oper + ORA oper
  • SRE (LSE) LSR oper + EOR oper
  • TAS (XAS, SHS) Puts A AND X in SP and stores A AND X AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
  • USBC (SBC) SBC oper + NOP (A - M - C → A)
  • JAM (KIL, HLT) Freezes the CPU.
  • 6502 Illegal opcodes

Basic Code Snippets

Subroutine Call and Return

JSR mySubroutine ; Call subroutine ; Code continues here after subroutine returns

JMP endProgram ;Jump to the end of the program or other operations


;Subroutine operations here

RTS ;Return from subroutine


; Program end or halt

Delay Loop

    `LDX #$FF`  ; Outer loop counter


    `LDY #$FF`  ; Inner loop counter


    `DEY`  ; Decrement Y
    `BNE innerLoop ` ; Continue inner loop until Y=0

    `DEX`  ; Decrement X

    `BNE outerLoop`  ; Continue outer loop until X=0

; Delay complete

Useful Tips

General Tips

  • Use comments to make your code understandable.
  • Remember to set and clear the decimal mode (D flag) as needed.
  • Use stack operations (PHA, PLA, etc.) to save and restore registers during subroutine calls.
  • Keep track of the zero page for quick and efficient data access.
  • Utilize loops and conditional branches effectively to control program flow.