
Head To Toe Assessment cheat sheet

Head To Toe Assessment cheat sheet. Explore our ultimate education quick reference for Head To Toe Assessment.

This cheat sheet provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a thorough head-to-toe assessment in a clinical setting. It covers essential techniques to evaluate a patient’s overall health, focusing on various body systems and ensuring accurate observations are made. Following these instructions will help you perform a comprehensive nursing assessment.

General Survey

Initial Steps

  • Knock and provide privacy: Close the door or curtains.
  • Introduce yourself: "My name is ___. I'm a student nurse helping to care for you today."
  • Hand hygiene: Wash your hands while engaging the patient in conversation.
  • Questions for orientation: Ask about the day, place, and reason for being there to assess orientation (A&O).
  • Pain assessment: Ask about pain location, rating (1-10), and description (sharp, dull, etc.).

Patient Identification

  • Use at least two identifiers: Ask for the patient's name and date of birth, and check their wristband.

Physical Assessment

  • Palpate the scalp: Check for lumps, symmetry, and tenderness.
  • Inspect hair: Note color, texture, and distribution.


  • Check conjunctiva: Ensure it is moist and pink.
  • Pupils (PERRLA): Assess for pupil constriction and accommodation with a penlight.


  • Inspect ears: Look for redness, discharge, or signs of hearing difficulty (ask about hearing aids).


  • Inspect oral cavity: Use a penlight to check the gums, tongue, and throat. Look for signs of dryness or redness.


  • Inspect for symmetry and discharge: Ask if the patient feels congested.


  • Palpate for tenderness and swelling: Ask the patient to move their head in different directions.
  • Check skin turgor: Pinch skin below the collarbone.

Upper Body

Arms and Fingernails

  • Inspect for swelling: Feel for any abnormalities, and check radial pulses for strength.
  • Check fingernail hygiene and capillary refill: Press on nails and observe how quickly color returns.


  • Auscultate lung fields: Listen to breath sounds on both the front and back. Ask the patient to take deep breaths at each site.
  • Inspect chest symmetry: Note breathing effort, rhythm, and depth.


  • Auscultate heart sounds: Listen at the PMI (point of maximal impulse) for a full minute and observe respiratory rate.


  • Inspect, auscultate, percuss, and palpate: Look at the abdomen for abnormalities, listen for bowel sounds, and palpate lightly for tenderness.

Lower Body

Legs, Feet, and Toenails

  • Inspect legs for swelling, bruising, or varicose veins.
  • Palpate pulses: Check dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis pulses bilaterally.
  • Check toenail hygiene and capillary refill.

Finishing Up


  • Ensure safety: Place the bed in the lowest position, make sure the call light is within reach, and wash your hands before leaving.

Tips and Sources

Useful Tips

  • Communicate continuously: Keep your patient informed during the entire process to build trust and ensure cooperation.
  • Document carefully: Record findings, especially critical points like pain levels, orientation, and any abnormalities.
  • Practice often: The more assessments you do, the more confident and efficient you'll become.