
C language cheat sheet

C language cheat sheet. Explore our ultimate quick reference for C language.

This C language cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide to the essential syntax, operators, control flow, functions, data structures, and standard library functions in C. Perfect for both beginners and experienced programmers, it covers everything from basic syntax and operators to advanced topics like dynamic memory allocation and file I/O. Keep this handy for efficient coding and problem-solving in C.

Basic Syntax and Structure

Hello World Program

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;

Basic Structure of a C Program

  • Include Headers
  • Define Constants and Macros
  • Declare Functions
  • Main Function
  • Other Functions


// Single-line comment

Multi-line comment 

Data Types and Variables

Primitive Data Types

  • int
  • char
  • float
  • double

Variable Declaration and Initialization

int a = 10;
char b = 'c';
float c = 3.14;
double d = 3.14159;


#define PI 3.14
const int a = 10;


Arithmetic Operators

  • + Addition: a + b
  • - Subtraction: a - b
  • * Multiplication: a * b
  • / Division: a / b
  • % Modulus: a % b
  • ++ Increment: a++
  • -- Decrement: a--

Relational Operators

  • == Equal to: a == b
  • != Not equal to: a != b
  • > Greater than: a > b
  • < Less than: a < b
  • >= Greater than or equal to: a >= b
  • <= Less than or equal to: a <= b

Logical Operators

  • && Logical AND: a && b
  • || Logical OR: a || b
  • ! Logical NOT: !a

Bitwise Operators

  • & AND: a & b
  • | OR: a | b
  • ^ XOR: a ^ b
  • ~ NOT: ~a
  • << Left shift: a << 2
  • >> Right shift: a >> 2

Assignment Operators

  • = Assign: a = b
  • += Add and assign: a += b
  • -= Subtract and assign: a -= b
  • *= Multiply and assign: a *= b
  • /= Divide and assign: a /= b
  • %= Modulus and assign: a %= b
  • &= AND and assign: a &= b
  • |= OR and assign: a |= b
  • ^= XOR and assign: a ^= b
  • <<= Left shift and assign: a <<= b
  • >>= Right shift and assign: a >>= b

Miscellaneous Operators

  • sizeof Size of: sizeof(a)
  • ? : Ternary: (a > b) ? a : b


int a = 10, b = 5, result;
result = a + b;     // Addition
result = a - b;     // Subtraction
result = a * b;     // Multiplication
result = a / b;     // Division
result = a % b;     // Modulus
result = a & b;     // Bitwise AND
result = a | b;     // Bitwise OR
result = a ^ b;     // Bitwise XOR
result = ~a;        // Bitwise NOT
result = a << 1;    // Left shift
result = a >> 1;    // Right shift
a += b;             // Addition assignment
b -= a;             // Subtraction assignment
result = (a > b) ? a : b; // Ternary operator

Control Flow

Conditional Statements

if (condition) {
    // code
} else {
    // code

switch (expression) {
    case constant1:
        // code
    case constant2:
        // code
        // code


for (initialization; condition; increment) {
    // code

while (condition) {
    // code

do {
    // code
} while (condition);

Break and Continue


Goto Statement

goto label;
label: // code


Function Declaration and Definition

returnType functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...) {
    // code
    return value;

Function Call

functionName(arg1, arg2, ...);

Return Statement

return value;

Parameter Passing

  • By value
  • By reference


int factorial(int n) {
    if (n == 0) return 1;
    return n * factorial(n - 1);

Arrays and Strings

One-dimensional Arrays

int arr[10];

Multidimensional Arrays

int arr[3][4];

String Handling Functions

strcpy(destination, source);
strcat(destination, source);

Array of Strings

char *arr[] = {"string1", "string2"};


Pointer Basics

int *ptr;

Pointer Arithmetic

  • ptr++ ptr-- ptr+5 ptr-5

Pointers and Arrays

int arr[5];
int *ptr = arr;

Pointers to Pointers

int **ptr;

Function Pointers

void (*funcPtr)(int, int);

Structures and Unions

Defining Structures

struct StructureName {
    type member1;
    type member2;
    // ...

Accessing Structure Members

struct StructureName s;
s.member1 = value;

Structure Arrays

struct StructureName arr[10];

Nested Structures

struct Outer {
    struct Inner {
        // ...
    } inner;


union UnionName {
    type member1;
    type member2;
    // ...

Dynamic Memory Allocation

malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()

ptr = malloc(size);
ptr = calloc(num, size);
ptr = realloc(ptr, newSize);

Memory Leaks and Management

  • Always free allocated memory

File I/O

File Handling Functions

FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("filename", "mode");
fread(buffer, size, count, fptr);
fwrite(buffer, size, count, fptr);

File Modes

  • "r" "w" "a" "r+" "w+" "a+"

Reading and Writing Files

fscanf(fptr, "format", &variable);
fprintf(fptr, "format", variable);

Preprocessors and Macros

define and #undef

#define NAME value
#undef NAME


#include <header.h>
#include "file.h"

Conditional Compilation

#ifdef MACRO
    // code

#ifndef MACRO
    // code

#if condition
    // code
#elif condition
    // code
    // code

Macros with Arguments

#define MACRO(arg1, arg2) (arg1 + arg2)

Standard Library Functions


  • printf - formatted output to stdout
  • scanf - formatted input from stdin
  • fprintf - formatted output to a file
  • fscanf - formatted input from a file
  • sprintf - formatted output to a string
  • sscanf - formatted input from a string
  • fopen - open a file
  • fclose - close a file
  • fgets - read a string from a file
  • fputs - write a string to a file
  • fgetc - get a character from a file
  • fputc - write a character to a file
  • feof - check for end-of-file
  • ferror - check for file error


  • malloc - allocate memory
  • calloc - allocate and zero-initialize memory
  • realloc - reallocate memory
  • free - free allocated memory
  • atoi - convert string to integer
  • atof - convert string to float
  • atol - convert string to long
  • abs - compute absolute value
  • rand - generate random number
  • srand - seed the random number generator
  • qsort - quick sort
  • bsearch - binary search
  • exit - terminate the program
  • system - execute a system command


  • strlen - get string length
  • strcmp - compare two strings
  • strncmp - compare a portion of two strings
  • strcpy - copy a string
  • strncpy - copy a portion of a string
  • strcat - concatenate two strings
  • strncat - concatenate a portion of a string
  • strstr - locate a substring
  • strchr - locate the first occurrence of a character
  • strrchr - locate the last occurrence of a character
  • strtok - tokenize a string
  • strdup - duplicate a string
  • memcpy - copy memory area
  • memmove - move memory area
  • memset - fill memory with a constant byte
  • memcmp - compare two memory areas


  • sqrt - compute square root
  • pow - compute power
  • exp - compute exponential
  • log - compute natural logarithm
  • log10 - compute common logarithm
  • sin - compute sine
  • cos - compute cosine
  • tan - compute tangent
  • asin - compute arc sine
  • acos - compute arc cosine
  • atan - compute arc tangent
  • atan2 - compute arc tangent with two arguments
  • ceil - compute ceiling
  • floor - compute floor
  • fabs - compute absolute value of a floating-point number


  • time - get current time
  • clock - get processor time
  • difftime - compute difference between two times
  • mktime - convert broken-down time to calendar time
  • asctime - convert time to a string
  • ctime - convert time to a string
  • gmtime - convert time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  • localtime - convert time to local time
  • strftime - format time as a string


Command Line Arguments

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // code

Inline Functions

inline returnType functionName(parameters) {
    // code

Volatile Keyword

volatile int var;


typedef existingType newTypeName;

Best Practices and Tips

Code Readability

  • Indentation: Use consistent indentation to make code more readable.
  • Naming Conventions: Use meaningful variable and function names. Follow conventions like camelCase for variables and PascalCase for functions.
  • Spacing: Use spaces around operators and after commas for better readability.

Commenting and Documentation

  • Single-line Comments: Use // for brief comments.
  • Multi-line Comments: Use /* */ for detailed explanations.
  • Function Comments: Describe the purpose, parameters, and return value of functions.
  • Inline Comments: Explain complex logic within the code.

Debugging Tips

  • Use a Debugger: Utilize tools like gdb to step through your code and inspect variables.
  • Print Statements: Use printf to print variable values and checkpoints in the code.
  • Check Compiler Warnings: Always compile with -Wall to enable all warnings and fix them.

Optimization Techniques

  • Avoid Unnecessary Calculations: Store repeated calculations in a variable.
  • Efficient Algorithms: Choose appropriate algorithms and data structures for the task.
  • Memory Management: Free dynamically allocated memory to avoid leaks.