
Tarot Card cheat sheet

Tarot Card cheat sheet. Explore our ultimate lifestyle quick reference for Tarot Card.

This Tarot Card Cheat Sheet offers a comprehensive guide to both the Major and Minor Arcana (The Wands, The Cups, The Swords, The Pentacles), providing clear and concise interpretations for each card. Detailed descriptions, along with upright and reversed keywords, allow for quick reference and deeper understanding, aiding both beginners and seasoned tarot readers. Visual aids accompany each card, enhancing the learning experience and ensuring consistency in study. Whether you're seeking personal insight or guiding others, this cheat sheet is an invaluable tool for navigating the complexities of tarot readings.

Major Arcana

The Fool

The Fool

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Beginnings Naivety
Innocence Foolishness
Spontaneity Recklessness
Adventure Lack of direction
Free spirit Irresponsibility


Upright: The Fool symbolizes new beginnings, freedom, and a childlike enthusiasm for life. It represents a spontaneous journey filled with optimism and the excitement of the unknown. This card encourages embracing new experiences and approaching life with a sense of adventure and faith in the universe.

Reversed: In the reversed position, The Fool can indicate irresponsibility, recklessness, and a lack of forethought that may lead to errors and misjudgments. It warns of potential pitfalls of acting impulsively without considering the consequences, suggesting a need for more caution and careful consideration.

The Magician

The Magician

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Manifestation Manipulation
Resourcefulness Poor planning
Power Untapped potential
Inspired action Deceit
Skill Illusion


Upright: The Magician symbolizes the bridge between the world of the spirit and the world of humanity. It represents manifestation, as the Magician has the ability to utilize the powers of the Universe to manifest his desires in the physical realm. This card signifies the utilization of one's inner resources, skills, and potential to achieve what is considered impossible by others. The Magician encourages taking action with awareness and concentration, suggesting that through clear intention and focus, one can successfully navigate any aspect of life.

Reversed: When reversed, The Magician may indicate manipulation, deceit, or the misuse of power. It warns against poor planning and the underutilization of one’s talents. The reversed Magician suggests a lack of direction or a disconnection from one's own capabilities, leading to ineffectiveness and unfulfilled potential. This card calls for a reassessment of how one’s personal skills and abilities are being used and whether they are being applied ethically and effectively.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Intuition Secrets
Mystical knowledge Disconnected intuition
Subconscious mind Confusion
Serenity Obstacles to inner growth
Wisdom Ignorance of potential


Upright: The High Priestess represents wisdom, serenity, knowledge, and understanding. She is often seen as the guardian of the subconscious mind and the mediator between the seen and the unseen. The High Priestess is associated with intuition and inner knowledge, reflecting a deep understanding of the mysteries of life, the inner voice, and spiritual insights. Her appearance in a tarot reading encourages you to trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice in order to find answers within yourself.

Reversed: When reversed, The High Priestess may indicate that there is a blockage in accessing your inner wisdom. It can suggest that secrets are being kept, or that you are not listening to your intuition, leading to a sense of confusion and a lack of personal harmony. The reversed High Priestess calls for a reconnection to your intuition and to trust in your own insights, indicating that you might be ignoring important feelings or truths that are trying to surface.

The Empress

The Empress

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Fertility Creative block
Nurturing Dependence
Abundance Neglect
Sensuality Insecurity
Motherhood Stifled growth


Upright: The Empress signifies abundance, nurturing, and fertility. This card often represents a strong connection to our femininity—feminine energies, such as creativity, gentleness, and warmth, are abundant in all people and need nurturing. The Empress can also suggest pregnancy or the birth of a new idea, project, or phase of life. Her presence in a reading encourages embracing the creative process and trusting in the flow of inspiration and love to guide growth.

Reversed: When The Empress is reversed, it may indicate issues with personal development, such as dependence on others, or difficulties in nurturing oneself or others. This card reversed can also point to a lack of abundance due to creative blocks or neglecting one's own needs. It calls for a reevaluation of how one cares for oneself and others, suggesting that restoring balance is necessary to regaining growth and productivity.

The Emperor

The Emperor

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Authority Tyranny
Structure Rigidity
Control Domineering
Stability Overbearing
Leadership Inflexibility


Upright: The Emperor represents authority, structure, and control. As a symbol of stability and security, this card often suggests that you are in command of your life, exerting influence through experience and leadership. The Emperor emphasizes the importance of a disciplined approach to problems, with rational management and organization. It can indicate dealing with the government or a powerful figure in your life.

Reversed: When reversed, The Emperor can indicate a misuse of power, leading to tyranny and rigidity. It suggests that you may be dealing with someone who is overbearing or abusive in their control. Alternatively, it could reflect your own struggles with authority or a need to loosen excessively tight controls. The reversed Emperor urges a reassessment of leadership styles to avoid stubbornness and the need to control every outcome, promoting a more flexible approach.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Tradition Rebellion
Conformity Subversion
Education Freedom
Belief systems Unconventionality
Guidance Challenge to the status quo


Upright: The Hierophant represents tradition, conventional expectations, and order in the way things are done. Serving as a bridge between the heavenly and the earthly, The Hierophant is often concerned with moral and ethical principles, religious beliefs, and cultural conventions. This card suggests seeking wisdom or guidance from a mentor or advisor and adhering to established social structures and traditions. It can also indicate participation in group rituals or ceremonies.

Reversed: When reversed, The Hierophant challenges existing structures and questions traditional values. It may suggest that conventional paths are not serving you well and that it is time to think independently or break from tradition. This card in the reversed position can represent a period of personal innovation or the breaking of rules, and it calls for a reassessment of your relationship with tradition and the conventional norms of society.

The Lovers

The Lovers

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Love Disharmony
Harmony Imbalance
Partnerships Misalignment
Choices Disconnection
Alignment Conflict


Upright: The Lovers card symbolizes relationships and choices. It is often associated with a soulmate or a deep partnership, reflecting love, harmony, and mutual attraction. The card can also indicate important moral or ethical decisions to be made. The presence of The Lovers suggests the need for cooperation and compromise, and it encourages you to create balance and respect in your relationships.

Reversed: When The Lovers card is reversed, it points to disharmony and imbalance. It may reflect conflict, challenges in a relationship, or a misalignment of values. This card reversed can also suggest that you are at a crossroads, struggling with a significant personal decision. It warns against making choices hastily and encourages you to reflect more deeply on your current relationships and the consequences of your actions.

The Chariot

The Chariot

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Control Lack of direction
Willpower Aggression
Success Obstacles
Determination Loss of control
Direction Resistance


Upright: The Chariot signifies conquest, control, and victory through willpower and determination. It represents the triumph of the mind over body and emotion, suggesting that you can achieve your goals through focus and maintaining control over competing forces. The Chariot encourages assertiveness and urges you to harness your inner strength to overcome obstacles. It often appears when there is a need to assert oneself and take bold actions.

Reversed: When reversed, The Chariot indicates a significant struggle with opposing forces and a loss of control in your life. It may suggest that internal conflicts or external circumstances are blocking your path to success. This card can also warn against over-aggressiveness or using force where diplomacy would be better suited. The reversed Chariot urges you to reconsider your current direction and to think carefully about whether you are being driven by your will or by sheer force.


The Strength

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Courage Self-doubt
Inner strength Insecurity
Compassion Impatience
Influence Abuse of power
Resolve Weakness


Upright: The Strength card symbolizes courage, patience, control, and compassion. It represents strength not through physical ability, but through inner qualities of persistence, courage, and soft control. This card suggests mastering emotions to achieve goals through confidence and firm resolve. It calls for a compassionate approach to others and to oneself, urging patience and diplomacy in handling difficult situations.

Reversed: When reversed, the Strength card indicates weakness in spirit or character, possibly leading to self-doubt and insecurity. It can suggest a lack of control, impatience, and frustration, often manifesting as an abuse of power. The reversed Strength card calls for an examination of what is causing your inner strength to falter and encourages you to find resilience and compassion within to overcome these challenges.

The Hermit

The Hermit

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Introspection Loneliness
Soul-searching Isolation
Guidance Withdrawal
Wisdom Lost
Inner light Alienation


Upright: The Hermit symbolizes introspection, wisdom, and guidance. It suggests a time for deep reflection or soul-searching, where withdrawing from the outside world can lead to profound insights. The Hermit encourages finding your own light, which often involves solitude to better understand your own inner voice and to contemplate your spiritual or emotional path. This card can also indicate seeking or offering guidance and sharing wisdom gained through experience.

Reversed: When reversed, The Hermit can indicate excessive isolation, loneliness, and withdrawal. It suggests that you may be spending too much time in solitude or are feeling cut off from others. This isolation could be stunting your growth rather than enriching it. The reversed Hermit may also suggest that you are either resisting a period of introspection that is necessary, or you are stuck in over-analysis without taking action.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Cycles Resistance to change
Change Bad luck
Fate Delays
Luck Outside influences
Destiny Loss of direction


Upright: The Wheel of Fortune signifies cycles, change, and turning points. This card reflects the concept of fate and the inevitability of change, suggesting that things are in motion. The Wheel of Fortune indicates that events and opportunities will come full circle, influenced by karma and the natural flow of life's cycles. It represents a pivotal moment where you must embrace the unpredictability of life, relying on destiny and adapting to developments as they arise.

Reversed: When reversed, The Wheel of Fortune suggests a resistance to change and difficulty in handling the fluctuations of life. It can indicate misfortune or setbacks that seem to be beyond your control. The reversed position often highlights stagnation or a period where there seems to be little progress or positive movement. This card warns against a pessimistic outlook and encourages you to re-evaluate your approach to change and disruption, suggesting that a different perspective might be needed to overcome challenges.


The Justice

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Fairness Injustice
Truth Dishonesty
Law Bias
Cause and effect Unaccountability
Integrity Corruption


Upright: The Justice card symbolizes fairness, truth, and law. It reflects the idea of karma and the law of cause and effect, indicating that all actions have consequences. This card suggests that a decision will be made fairly and accordingly to what is just. It calls for a balanced approach and to be mindful of the choices you make and their long-term effects. Justice emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in your personal and professional life.

Reversed: When reversed, Justice can signify lack of accountability, unfair treatment, or corruption. It suggests that something in your life is out of balance and may require reevaluation and realignment. This position often represents an injustice or a decision that may have been made based on inadequate information or through dishonesty. The reversed Justice card encourages you to seek out the truth and to work towards restoring balance.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Sacrifice Stalling
Release Unnecessary sacrifice
Martyrdom Fear of sacrifice
Enlightenment Inertia
Perspective Resistance to change


Upright: The Hanged Man symbolizes pause, surrender, letting go, and new perspectives. This card suggests that now is a time to release old patterns or take a moment to look at things from a different angle. Often associated with voluntary sacrifice or a temporary setback for a longer-term gain, The Hanged Man represents a period of introspection and enlightenment, urging you to let go of the urge to act and to think differently about the problem at hand.

Reversed: When reversed, The Hanged Man indicates a resistance to the necessary pause or relinquishment. It may suggest that you are stalling or delaying the inevitable, hanging on to something or someone when letting go is the more beneficial path. The reversed Hanged Man can also indicate a sacrifice that is in vain or unnecessary fears of losing control. This card calls for a reevaluation of your current approach, encouraging movement or decision where stagnation has prevailed.



Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Transformation Resistance to change
Endings Stagnation
Change Fear of change
Release Unable to move on
Renewal Clinging to the past


Upright: The Death card is one of the most misunderstood in the Tarot, not necessarily representing physical death but rather an important ending or transformation. It signifies the conclusion of a major phase or aspect of your life that may bring about the beginning of something far more valuable and important. This card encourages you to embrace change, release the past, and allow transformations to occur, suggesting that such endings are necessary for growth.

Reversed: When reversed, the Death card implies a resistance to the inevitable transformations by clinging to outdated attachments or by fearing the new beginnings that accompany endings. It may also indicate stagnation, where necessary changes are resisted, leading to decay rather than renewal. The reversed Death card encourages you to examine what you are afraid to let go of and to consider how embracing change might lead to your personal renewal and transformation.



Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Balance Imbalance
Moderation Excess
Patience Lack of foresight
Harmony Discord
Purpose Overindulgence


Upright: Temperance represents balance, moderation, and purpose. It suggests that you are finding the middle ground, avoiding extremes, and making adjustments in your approach to various aspects of your life to achieve harmony. This card encourages you to blend opposites and find a balance that works in all areas, including relationships, work, and personal growth. Temperance calls for patience and calm, and it often implies a need to compromise or integrate different aspects of your life to maintain stability and peace.

Reversed: When reversed, Temperance indicates that something is out of alignment or that there is a lack of moderation. This may manifest as discord in your life due to overindulgence, excessive behavior, or conflicting interests. The reversed card suggests that patience may be running thin and there is an imbalance that needs correction. It warns against making hasty decisions or extreme actions, urging you to reconsider how you can restore balance and rethink the extremes to which you are going.

The Devil

The Devil

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Bondage Seeking freedom
Materialism Release
Dependency Enlightenment
Obsession Resisting temptation
Excess Overcoming addictions


Upright: The Devil card typically symbolizes bondage, materialism, and dependency. It often suggests that you might be feeling trapped by an unhealthy, possibly obsessive attachment to people, substances, or behaviors in pursuit of pleasure and material gain. The Devil invites you to confront your fears and dependencies, and to acknowledge these bindings to understand their influence over your life. This card warns against letting material desires or lower instincts take control.

Reversed: When reversed, The Devil indicates a realization or liberation from these bindings and negative patterns. It signifies overcoming limitations or constraints, whether self-imposed or external. The reversed Devil calls for reclaiming your power by recognizing the forces controlling you and making a conscious effort to break free. It also points to the potential for new beginnings once you have released yourself from harmful attachments and are no longer dominated by the need for external validation or material fulfillment.

The Tower

The Tower

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Sudden change Fear of change
Upheaval Disaster avoided
Chaos Delayed disaster
Revelation Resistance to crisis
Awakening Refusing to learn


Upright: The Tower represents sudden and often unexpected change. This card is usually associated with chaos, destruction, and disruption, breaking down structures and beliefs that are no longer serving you well. The Tower often appears when your life experiences a major upheaval that may seem destructive, yet also clears the way for new developments. It signifies a necessary but painful truth or revelation that leads to a significant transformation.

Reversed: When The Tower is reversed, it suggests that you are trying to avoid the inevitable upheaval or that you are resisting the type of dramatic transformation it signifies. It might also indicate that while disaster is delayed or averted, the underlying issues causing the instability remain unaddressed. This position can also suggest a reluctance to learn from hard lessons or a refusal to undergo necessary change, resulting in continued turmoil.

The Star

The Star

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Hope Despair
Inspiration Disillusionment
Generosity Lack of faith
Serenity Frustration
Renewal Pessimism


Upright: The Star represents hope, inspiration, and a clear sense of purpose. It often appears after a time of hardship, signaling a period of healing and tranquility. This card indicates that you are entering a phase of peace and renewal, where you can expect a calm recovery and a refreshing clarity about your life's direction. The Star is a very positive sign that you are on the right path and encourages you to maintain your faith and continue following your dreams.

Reversed: When The Star is reversed, it suggests that you might be feeling overwhelmed by despair or disillusionment. You may be losing faith in what you once held dear, or you could be experiencing a lack of optimism about the future. This position indicates a need to reconnect with your inner hope and to find the inspiration to overcome challenges. The reversed Star reminds you not to give in to negativity but to find light even in darkness, urging a need to seek out sources that can reignite your sense of purpose.

The Moon

The Moon

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Illusion Confusion cleared
Intuition Greater understanding
Uncertainty Return to reality
Subconscious Release of fear
Misleading Misinterpretation


Upright: The Moon card symbolizes confusion, illusions, and the difficulty in seeing things clearly. It represents the realm of the subconscious, where things are not as they seem, and the truth is obscured by fears and anxieties. The Moon encourages you to pay attention to your dreams and intuitions, as your path may be influenced by aspects of life that are hidden or not yet fully realized. It warns of deception and error, suggesting a need to face your fears and anxieties to see beyond the illusions in your life.

Reversed: When reversed, The Moon may indicate that confusion is beginning to clear or that the truth is coming to light. It often represents a breakthrough in understanding, allowing you to see past illusions and touch base with reality. The reversed Moon suggests an overcoming of fears and anxieties, and a push towards a clearer and more accurate perception of your life and the emotions that may have previously clouded your judgment.

The Sun

The Sun

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Joy Sadness
Success Lack of success
Vitality Low energy
Enlightenment Misunderstanding
Clarity Pessimism


Upright: The Sun is one of the most overwhelmingly positive cards in the Tarot deck, symbolizing joy, success, vitality, and enlightenment. When this card appears in a reading, it is a sign of happiness and fulfillment, bringing clarity and optimism to your endeavors. The Sun indicates good fortune, vibrant energy, and great achievements. Its presence is a powerful affirmation of your personal strengths and the bright outcomes ahead.

Reversed: When The Sun card is reversed, it might indicate that you are finding it difficult to see the bright side of life. It could represent a temporary lack of success or a delay in the realization of an important goal. Sometimes, it suggests that you might be overlooking the positive aspects of a situation, focusing too much on the negatives. The reversed Sun encourages you to find joy in your current circumstances and to regain a sense of enthusiasm and vitality.



Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Rebirth Self-doubt
Inner calling Delays
Absolution Failure to reflect
Self-evaluation Missed opportunity
Awakening Judgmental


Upright: The Judgement card symbolizes rebirth, inner calling, and major decisions. It suggests that you are reaching a significant stage of self-evaluation, where you reflect on past actions and their consequences. This card encourages you to listen to your higher self and make adjustments that align more closely with your deepest values and aspirations. It often indicates a moment of awakening, where you are called to rise to a new level of mental and spiritual awareness.

Reversed: When reversed, Judgement indicates that you might be struggling with doubt and self-reflection. This position suggests a failure to learn from past experiences, leading to missed opportunities for growth and improvement. It can also mean that you are being too hard on yourself or others, applying judgmental thoughts where forgiveness and understanding should prevail. The reversed Judgement card urges you to release harsh judgments and embrace a more compassionate approach to dealing with your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

The World

The World

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Completion Incompletion
Achievement Delay
Fulfillment Lack of closure
Harmony Stagnation
Celebration Unfinished business


Upright: The World represents completion, achievement, and fulfillment. It symbolizes the successful conclusion of a cycle, project, or phase in life. When this card appears, it suggests that you have accomplished or are close to accomplishing a significant milestone. The World indicates a sense of harmony and interconnectedness with everything. It often points to moments of celebration and triumphant culmination with rewards for all your hard work.

Reversed: When reversed, The World can indicate that something is preventing the cycle from being completed, leading to a feeling of incompletion or dissatisfaction. It may suggest delays, or that there are still loose ends that need to be addressed before you can truly move forward. The reversed World card calls attention to unfinished business and may encourage you to take another look at what you need to conclude or integrate before you can achieve total fulfillment and closure.

The Wands

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Inspiration Delays
New beginnings Lack of motivation
Creativity Frustration
Enthusiasm Misdirected energy
Initiative False starts


Upright: The Ace of Wands is a card of creation, potential, and new beginnings. It signifies a surge of enthusiasm and the energy for a new adventure. This card often represents a new project, idea, or path that is imbued with vitality, passion, and excitement. The Ace of Wands encourages you to follow your instincts and embark on your new journey with confidence and optimism.

Reversed: When the Ace of Wands is reversed, it indicates delays, frustration, or a lack of energy and motivation for new beginnings. It can suggest that you are experiencing hurdles in launching a project or that your enthusiasm is waning. The reversed card warns against misdirected energy and encourages you to reevaluate where you are investing your efforts. It could also highlight the need to clear away any blocks to your creativity or initiative.

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Planning Fear of unknown
Future progress Lack of planning
Decisions Unexpected delays
Discovery Restricted choices
Direction Discontent with details


Upright: The Two of Wands symbolizes planning, decision-making, and progress. It represents the moment after the initial spark of a new idea, where you start to map out the path ahead and consider your options for the future. This card often implies that you have already achieved a degree of success and are now looking at your long-term goals. The Two of Wands encourages you to take the initiative, expand your horizons, and explore new ventures.

Reversed: When reversed, the Two of Wands indicates a fear of the unknown or difficulties in making decisions that hinder your progress. It can suggest that you are not planning adequately or are feeling restricted in your choices. The reversed Two of Wands might also point to discontentment with small details, leading to procrastination or a lack of action. This card calls for a reassessment of your plans and encourages you to overcome hesitation or reluctance in moving forward.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Expansion Obstacles
Foresight Delays
Achievement Frustration
Opportunity Restricted view
Exploration Missed opportunities


Upright: The Three of Wands symbolizes the expansion of plans, foresight, and looking outward towards future opportunities. This card suggests that the initial stages of planning are now behind you, and you are on the verge of implementing your projects or expanding your horizons. The Three of Wands is associated with progress and international or long-term ventures. It encourages you to take bold steps forward, as success is likely on the horizon and the world is your oyster.

Reversed: When the Three of Wands is reversed, it can signal that you are facing delays or obstacles in your progress. These setbacks might cause frustration, especially if your views are being challenged or if your plans are not unfolding as expected. This position can also indicate a lack of foresight or preparation, leading to missed opportunities. The reversed Three of Wands encourages you to reassess your strategies and prepare more thoroughly for the challenges ahead.

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Celebration Tension
Harmony Transition
Stability Lack of support
Community Unwelcome changes
Homecoming Disruption of peace


Upright: The Four of Wands symbolizes celebration, joy, and a sense of community and stability. This card often appears when you are celebrating a milestone such as a wedding, a festival, or a homecoming. It suggests a time of happiness and harmony that comes from a well-established foundation. The Four of Wands is also about completion and stability, reflecting satisfaction with the progress you have made in your environment or personal life.

Reversed: When the Four of Wands is reversed, it indicates that there may be some tension or dissatisfaction within a seemingly harmonious group. It may suggest a lack of support or stability that is causing unease or that a recent celebration has left unresolved issues. The reversed Four of Wands can also indicate that a happy event is delayed or that unwelcome changes are affecting your sense of security or community. This card reversed calls for examining what might be disrupting your peace and working towards realigning your environment with your values.

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Conflict Reconciliation
Competition Avoiding conflict
Struggle Finding common ground
Tension Resolving differences
Challenges Letting go of strife


Upright: The Five of Wands represents competition, conflict, and struggle. This card often appears when there is tension in group dynamics or when you are facing challenges that require you to stand up and assert yourself. The Five of Wands can suggest minor struggles or arguments that are not necessarily destructive but are part of a larger process of testing and refining ideas or strategies. It encourages you to stay active and engaged, as these challenges are necessary for growth and improvement.

Reversed: When reversed, the Five of Wands indicates that conflicts may be resolving, or that you are finding ways to avoid unnecessary disputes. It suggests a movement towards reconciliation and seeking peace, possibly after a period of strife or competition. The reversed Five of Wands can also indicate a tendency to shy away from confrontation, which might be needed at times to defend your position. It encourages you to find common ground and work towards a harmonious resolution.

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Victory Failure
Recognition Lack of recognition
Success Ego issues
Praise Fall from grace
Self-confidence Arrogance


Upright: The Six of Wands represents success, victory, and public recognition. It indicates that you are receiving acclaim for your achievements and that your efforts are being acknowledged. This card suggests triumph after overcoming obstacles and challenges. It is a positive affirmation that you are on the right path and encourages you to continue with confidence. The Six of Wands also points to a strong sense of self-worth and leadership.

Reversed: When the Six of Wands is reversed, it can signify a failure or a lack of recognition for your efforts. It may indicate that despite your successes, you are not receiving the accolades you expected, or that your success may be short-lived. Alternatively, the reversed Six of Wands could suggest issues with ego, such as arrogance or an excessive need for approval. It calls for a review of your motivations and encourages humility and grace in dealing with both success and failure.

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Defense Overwhelmed
Courage Giving up
Perseverance Vulnerability
Challenge Exhaustion
Standing your ground Retreat


Upright: The Seven of Wands symbolizes defense, perseverance, and standing your ground despite challenges. This card suggests that you are in a position where you need to assert yourself and maintain your position against adversaries. It represents a time of challenge where you must defend your beliefs or achievements against opposition. The Seven of Wands encourages courage and confidence in your convictions, highlighting the need to fight for what you believe is right.

Reversed: When the Seven of Wands is reversed, it may indicate that you feel overwhelmed by the challenges and opposition you face. It can suggest a tendency to retreat or give up when faced with resistance, perhaps due to exhaustion or a sense of vulnerability. The reversed card calls for reassessment of your strategies or possibly choosing your battles more wisely, ensuring that the energy you expend is worth the outcome you are fighting for.

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Speed Delays
Movement Stagnation
Action Hesitation
Alignment Misalignment
Rapid progress Obstacles


Upright: The Eight of Wands represents rapid movement and swift action. This card often appears when events or situations in your life begin to move forward very quickly. It suggests that delays are over and the time for waiting has passed. Projects or conditions are progressing towards completion, and communication is likely to be significant and positive. The Eight of Wands encourages you to take quick, decisive actions to maintain the momentum and align yourself with the pace of developments.

Reversed: When reversed, the Eight of Wands indicates a slowing down of progress or encountering delays. This can be frustrating, especially if you're expecting quick results. The card in this position suggests misalignment or confusion about what direction to take, which may cause hesitation. It warns of potential obstacles that could impede the rapid pace you’ve been experiencing or that a planned project may stall unexpectedly. The reversed Eight of Wands calls for patience and to re-evaluate the plans or strategies in place.

Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Resilience Fatigue
Persistence Paranoia
Last stand Giving up
Boundaries Fragile boundaries
Preparedness Burnout


Upright: The Nine of Wands symbolizes resilience, persistence, and the strength to continue despite facing hardships. This card suggests that you have been through numerous challenges but you are prepared for whatever comes next. It represents a kind of 'last stand' where you need to muster your remaining strength to overcome the final hurdles. The Nine of Wands encourages you to maintain your boundaries and protect what you have worked hard to achieve. It also emphasizes the importance of vigilance and preparedness as you approach the completion of your goals.

Reversed: When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it indicates a sense of fatigue or burnout from constant struggles. You may feel overwhelmed and on the verge of giving up. This card reversed can also suggest paranoia or excessive defensiveness, where you might be seeing threats where there are none, leading to unnecessary stress. It calls for a need to reassess your approach, possibly suggesting that it’s time to lower your guard and seek support or a different perspective.

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Burden Releasing burdens
Overcommitment Delegation
Responsibility Letting go
Hard work Breakdown
Stress End of struggles


Upright: The Ten of Wands symbolizes burden, responsibility, and hard work that has become overwhelming. This card suggests that you may be taking on too much, trying to do it all alone or carrying a heavy load that might be shared with others. It represents the strain of these burdens and the need to assess your responsibilities realistically. The Ten of Wands encourages you to look at how you can lighten your load, possibly by delegating tasks or prioritizing what’s truly important.

Reversed: When the Ten of Wands is reversed, it indicates that you are beginning to release burdens and reduce stress. It suggests that you are finding ways to delegate duties or that a period of intense stress and overcommitment is coming to an end. The reversed Ten of Wands can also imply that you may be dropping some tasks or responsibilities that are no longer necessary, allowing you more space to breathe and focus on your well-being. This card encourages you to continue finding ways to prevent stress from accumulating again.

Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Enthusiasm Hesitation
Exploration Delays
Freedom Lack of direction
News Frustration
Adventure Impulsiveness


Upright: The Page of Wands represents enthusiasm, exploration, and the thrill of new ideas or projects. It often suggests that you are experiencing a creative spark or a burst of energy that propels you towards a new journey or an adventurous experience. This card can also indicate the arrival of encouraging news that pushes you to act on your passions. The Page of Wands embodies a free spirit, eager to explore the world and discover new aspects of life.

Reversed: When the Page of Wands is reversed, it may signify a lack of direction or delays in the plans you are enthusiastic about. This position can indicate frustration due to obstacles that dampen your spirit or cause hesitation. The reversed Page of Wands might also suggest impulsiveness leading to poorly thought-out actions. It encourages you to regain focus, clarify your intentions, and plan more thoroughly before leaping into action.

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Energy Haste
Passion Frustration
Adventure Delays
Impulsiveness Recklessness
Fearlessness Burnout


Upright: The Knight of Wands represents energy, passion, and adventure. This card suggests a personality full of enthusiasm and eager for action. The Knight of Wands is often on a quest for discovery and desires to express freedom and individuality through bold moves and a fearless attitude. This card can also indicate a person or situation that embodies a charming and adventurous spirit, someone who is impulsive but irresistibly charismatic.

Reversed: When the Knight of Wands is reversed, it indicates that this energy is misdirected, leading to haste and recklessness. It can suggest frustrations arising from delays or challenges that impede the progress of projects or adventures. This reversal might also indicate a tendency towards impulsivity that leads to poor decisions or burnout. The reversed Knight of Wands calls for a reassessment of one’s pace and approach, urging caution and a more calculated strategy to avoid unnecessary setbacks.

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Confidence Insecurity
Independence Dependence
Charisma Manipulation
Determination Stubbornness
Warmth Jealousy


Upright: The Queen of Wands represents confidence, warmth, and determination. She is a figure of independence and strong leadership, often using her charisma and charm to attract and influence others. This card suggests that you embrace your confidence and assertiveness in your endeavors. The Queen of Wands encourages you to be bold and sociable, making the most of your natural leadership qualities and the respect you command from people around you.

Reversed: When the Queen of Wands is reversed, it indicates that the negative aspects of her personality may be prevalent. This might manifest as insecurity, a need for constant attention, or using one's charisma for manipulation. The reversed Queen can also represent stubbornness or jealousy, suggesting a need to temper your assertiveness with understanding and to be wary of becoming overbearing. The card advises examining your interactions with others to ensure you are not overwhelming them or acting out of insecurity.

King of Wands

King of Wands

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Leadership Impulsiveness
Vision Overbearing
Entrepreneurship Ruthlessness
Courage High expectations
Charisma Lack of direction


Upright: The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. This card indicates leadership, vision, and an entrepreneurial spirit. It suggests you are in a position to take charge, driven by creative and innovative ideas. The King of Wands motivates others with his enthusiasm and confidence. He is bold and courageous, often leading by example with a dynamic approach to problem-solving and initiating action.

Reversed: When the King of Wands is reversed, it points to a negative expression of his energy, such as impulsiveness or being overbearing. This card can suggest that you or someone else in your life may be acting in a domineering or ruthless manner. It warns against setting unrealistic expectations for others or yourself. The reversed King of Wands can also indicate a lack of direction or purpose, leading to frustration and hasty decisions.

The Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
New love Blocked emotions
Emotional start Emotional loss
Intuition Stagnation
Creativity Overwhelm
Spiritual insight Wasted potential


Upright: The Ace of Cups symbolizes the beginning of new emotions, relationships, or creative endeavors. It often represents a deep, overwhelming emotional experience such as falling in love or experiencing spiritual fulfillment. This card suggests that you are experiencing or are about to experience a new relationship, whether with another person or with your own feelings. It can also indicate the birth of a new idea or creative project driven by your passion and heart.

Reversed: When the Ace of Cups is reversed, it can indicate that emotions are blocked or that you are retreating from the new beginnings that are offered to you. This could be due to past hurts that have not been fully healed, leading to emotional shutdown or withdrawal. The reversed Ace of Cups can also suggest emotional instability or depletion, where the potential for new love or creativity is being stifled or delayed.

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Connection Disconnection
Partnership Imbalance
Unity Misunderstanding
Mutual attraction Strife
Harmony Breakdown in communication


Upright: The Two of Cups symbolizes a strong connection and partnership, often referring to a romantic or close friendship bond. It represents unity, mutual attraction, and a balanced and healthy relationship where two individuals come together on equal footing, bringing harmony and emotional fulfillment to each other's lives. This card can also indicate the beginning of a prosperous business partnership or a deep, meaningful friendship.

Reversed: When the Two of Cups is reversed, it indicates a breakdown in communication and disharmony in relationships. It can suggest that there is a significant imbalance, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. The card may also point to a once strong relationship facing challenges or cooling off, perhaps due to a lack of mutual respect or understanding. In some cases, the reversed Two of Cups can signal a complete disconnection or the need to reassess a partnership's viability.

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Celebration Overindulgence
Friendship Gossip
Community Isolation
Joy Exclusion
Togetherness Losing touch


Upright: The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, friendship, and community. It represents coming together with others in a spirit of joy and mutual support. This card often appears during times of festive gatherings, parties, and social occasions. It underscores the importance of strong social bonds and the happiness that comes from sharing successes and milestones with others. The Three of Cups also highlights the joy of creative or artistic collaboration that enriches the community.

Reversed: When the Three of Cups is reversed, it may indicate issues such as overindulgence or gossip within social circles. It can suggest a period of social isolation or feeling excluded from the community. This position of the card could also highlight the potential pitfalls of losing touch with close friends or the dissolution of a community. The reversed Three of Cups calls for a reflection on your social interactions and the need to address conflicts or misunderstandings that may be impacting your relationships.

Four of Cups

Four of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Apathy New perspective
Contemplation Renewed interest
Discontent Motivation
Disengagement Acceptance
Missed opportunity Re-evaluation


Upright: The Four of Cups symbolizes apathy, contemplation, and missed opportunities. It often appears when you are feeling disengaged or dissatisfied with your current situation, leading to introspection and self-absorption. This card can suggest a period of taking things for granted or focusing too much on your own issues, missing out on potential opportunities. The Four of Cups encourages you to look beyond your own disillusionment and consider what is being offered to you.

Reversed: When the Four of Cups is reversed, it indicates a shift in perspective or a newfound motivation. This position can suggest that you are coming out of a period of introspection or apathy, ready to engage with the world again. The reversed Four of Cups points towards a renewal of interest and acceptance of the opportunities and emotions previously ignored. It encourages you to re-evaluate your previous disinterest and open yourself up to new possibilities.

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Loss Acceptance
Mourning Moving on
Regret Healing
Disappointment Forgiveness
Pessimism Finding peace


Upright: The Five of Cups represents loss, mourning, and disappointment. It often indicates a time when you are dwelling on negative feelings and what has gone wrong, leading to sorrow and regret. This card suggests that you may be focusing too much on the spilled cups (lost opportunities) and not enough on what remains (still available opportunities). It's a reminder to acknowledge the pain and loss but also to consider what can still be salvaged or gained.

Reversed: When the Five of Cups is reversed, it signifies recovery from disappointment and the beginning of acceptance. This position indicates that you are starting to move past grief and are ready to embrace what remains. The reversed Five of Cups suggests healing, forgiveness, and the emotional strength to overcome setbacks. It encourages you to find peace by letting go of past regrets and focusing on new opportunities.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Nostalgia Stuck in the past
Reunion Moving forward
Innocence Growing up
Gifts Letting go of the past
Happiness Living in the present


Upright: The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia, happy memories, and returning to a simpler time. This card often represents revisiting your past, childhood memories, or reuniting with someone from your past. It can suggest a sense of comfort and security derived from familiar things and experiences. The Six of Cups also indicates gifts or favors being given or received in a spirit of generosity, reflecting innocence and goodwill.

Reversed: When the Six of Cups is reversed, it indicates that you may be dwelling too much on the past or finding it difficult to let go of outdated attachments. It suggests the need to focus on moving forward and embracing the present rather than staying anchored in bygone times. The reversed Six of Cups encourages personal growth by letting go of past habits or dependencies and signifies the importance of living in the current moment, free from past regrets or nostalgia.

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Choices Decision
Illusion Clarity
Wishful thinking Reality
Confusion Focus
Temptation Direction


Upright: The Seven of Cups represents a variety of choices and opportunities, leading to confusion and difficulty in decision-making. This card often indicates that not all that glitters is gold, and it can be a sign of wishful thinking or illusions clouding your judgment. The Seven of Cups suggests that you are faced with numerous possibilities and must tread carefully to avoid becoming lost in fantasies or tempted by things that seem too good to be true.

Reversed: When the Seven of Cups is reversed, it signifies that clarity is emerging from previous confusion. This position often means that you are starting to see through illusions and are able to narrow down your choices to the most feasible and realistic options. The reversed Seven of Cups encourages making a decision and acting upon it, moving away from indecision and procrastination towards a clearer sense of direction.

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Withdrawal Fear of moving on
Search for truth Stagnation
Disillusionment Avoidance
Abandonment Reluctance to let go
Seeking deeper meaning Clinging to the known


Upright: The Eight of Cups symbolizes a decision to abandon what no longer serves your emotional or spiritual growth. This card often appears when you are feeling compelled to walk away from a situation that has nothing more to offer you. It represents seeking deeper meaning in life, possibly through a journey or a quest for inner truth. The Eight of Cups suggests disillusionment with your current situation and the need to leave some things behind in order to seek a higher purpose or truth.

Reversed: When the Eight of Cups is reversed, it indicates a reluctance to move forward or a fear of letting go of the familiar. This position can also suggest that you are avoiding the necessary emotional or spiritual journey due to attachment or fear of the unknown. The reversed Eight of Cups urges you to consider what you may be holding onto that is preventing your growth and to evaluate whether it's time to finally let go and seek a path that truly fulfills you.

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Satisfaction Dissatisfaction
Contentment Unfulfilled wishes
Gratitude Greed
Pleasure Complacency
Wish fulfillment Materialism


Upright: The Nine of Cups is often referred to as the "wish card," symbolizing satisfaction, emotional fulfillment, and the achievement of desires. It represents a level of contentment and abundance reached through emotional and physical pleasures. This card suggests a time when you feel proud of your accomplishments and satisfied with your personal relationships. It encourages enjoying the finer things in life and expressing gratitude for all that you have achieved and experienced.

Reversed: When the Nine of Cups is reversed, it indicates that not all is as perfect as it seems. You may feel as though something is lacking despite outward appearances of success. This position can suggest dissatisfaction with what you thought would bring happiness, or it may highlight greed and overindulgence. The reversed Nine of Cups warns against complacency and materialism, urging a deeper look at what truly brings contentment beyond superficial pleasures.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Emotional fulfillment Disruption
Harmony Misalignment
Family happiness Discontent
Love Broken relationships
Peace Instability


Upright: The Ten of Cups represents the ultimate in emotional fulfillment, happiness, and joy. It signifies harmony and peace in family and relationships, where love and understanding abound. This card often appears when there is a sense of completion and unity within your personal life, celebrating the strong bonds and support systems that have been built.

Reversed: When the Ten of Cups is reversed, it suggests that there is disharmony or instability in your home or emotional life. This can manifest as broken relationships or family strife, indicating that the happiness once felt is now being overshadowed by disagreements or unresolved issues. The reversed Ten of Cups calls for a reassessment of family dynamics and personal relationships to address the underlying tensions and restore peace.

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Creativity Emotional immaturity
Intuition Escapism
Sensitivity Insecurity
News of love Disillusionment
Artistic beginnings Over-sensitivity


Upright: The Page of Cups represents creativity, intuition, and the beginning of emotional or artistic explorations. This card often suggests that you are experiencing a new level of sensitivity or a fresh emotional perspective. The Page of Cups can indicate the arrival of good news related to love or new relationships. It embodies a gentle, nurturing energy that encourages you to embrace your creative and emotional side.

Reversed: When the Page of Cups is reversed, it suggests that you may be letting emotional immaturity or insecurity affect your behavior and decisions. It can also indicate escapism or unrealistic expectations in relationships or artistic pursuits. The reversed Page of Cups warns against over-sensitivity or withdrawing into a fantasy world as a defense mechanism. It encourages you to ground your emotions and handle relationships with more maturity and realism.

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Romance Disillusionment
Charm Unrealistic expectations
Artistry Moodiness
Idealism Scattered energies
Adventure Deception


Upright: The Knight of Cups represents a person who is a romantic at heart, often driven by emotions and ideals rather than by practical concerns. This card typically indicates a situation that involves romance, proposals, or invitations. It can also signify an individual who is artistic and poetic, often appearing in your life to bring inspiration or emotional experiences. The Knight of Cups is charismatic and attractive, drawing people to him with his vision and passion.

Reversed: When the Knight of Cups is reversed, it suggests that the qualities of the Knight are turning into weaknesses, such as being overly emotional or having unrealistic expectations. This position can indicate moodiness or a tendency to let emotions dictate behavior to the point of deception or manipulation. The reversed Knight of Cups may also represent someone who is not being truthful, or a situation where emotional engagements are superficial and not as deep as they seem.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Compassion Overwhelmed by emotions
Nurturing Insecurity
Intuitive Dependency
Emotional security Manipulation
Empathy Disconnection


Upright: The Queen of Cups represents compassion, caring, and emotional stability. She embodies the nurturing aspect of the Cups suit, offering support and understanding to those around her. This card suggests a strong intuitive and psychic ability, enabling deep connections with others. The Queen of Cups is often a healer, counselor, or caring mother figure, using her empathy to help guide and soothe others' emotional needs.

Reversed: When the Queen of Cups is reversed, it indicates that emotions are not being managed effectively. This may manifest as being overwhelmed by emotions, leading to insecurity or dependency. The reversed Queen can also suggest a situation where emotional manipulation is at play, or where there is a disconnection from one's own feelings or the feelings of others. It encourages a reevaluation of how emotions are influencing your decisions and the need to establish healthier emotional boundaries.

King of Cups

King ofCups

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Emotional balance Emotional manipulation
Compassion Moodiness
Diplomacy Withdrawal
Wisdom Untrustworthiness
Calm Overly emotional


Upright: The King of Cups symbolizes emotional maturity, compassion, and wisdom. He represents control over one’s feelings and the ability to care for others without becoming overly emotional. This card often indicates a person who is a good advisor and a supportive leader, using his deep understanding of the human heart to guide others. The King of Cups is diplomatic and can handle complicated emotional situations with grace and calm.

Reversed: When the King of Cups is reversed, it suggests that the negative aspects of his character might be prevailing. This could manifest as emotional manipulation, moodiness, or a tendency to use emotional understanding for personal gain. The reversed King of Cups may also indicate someone who is not trustworthy, perhaps someone who is emotionally unstable or who withdraws support when most needed. This card calls for a reassessment of how to handle emotional power and relationships.

The Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Mental clarity Confusion
Breakthrough Miscommunication
Truth Obscurity
Justice Injustice
Success Failure


Upright: The Ace of Swords symbolizes a breakthrough in understanding, clarity of thought, and mental sharpness. It often represents a sudden realization or truth that brings clarity to a situation that was previously confusing or complex. This card can also signify achieving justice or success through intellectual ability and using one's mind to overcome obstacles. The Ace of Swords encourages decisive action based on clear understanding and strong principles.

Reversed: When the Ace of Swords is reversed, it suggests that there is a blockage in achieving clarity or truth. This can manifest as confusion, miscommunication, or a lack of understanding. The reversed Ace of Swords can also point to situations where justice has not been served, or where decisions are made based on false information or poor reasoning. It warns of potential failure due to unclear intentions or dishonest actions.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Indecision Clarity
Balance Lesser confusion
Stalemate Decisiveness
Blocked emotions Emotional release
Avoidance Facing the truth


Upright: The Two of Swords symbolizes a stalemate or indecision. This card often represents a situation where you are caught between two choices, leading to a temporary impasse. The blindfold indicates a deliberate avoidance of the truth or blocking out distractions to focus more internally. The crossed swords suggest a balance of forces, but also a tension that prevents movement in any direction. This card encourages you to seek more information or a new perspective to make a balanced and informed decision.

Reversed: When the Two of Swords is reversed, it suggests that the period of indecision is ending. You may find new clarity that allows you to resolve the previously blocked or stagnant situation. The reversed position often indicates a release of blocked emotions and a readiness to face the issues at hand. It calls for decisiveness and facing up to the reality of the situation, encouraging you to act based on newly acquired understanding.

Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Heartbreak Healing
Sorrow Letting go
Emotional pain Moving forward
Separation Overcoming grief
Betrayal Emotional recovery


Upright: The Three of Swords symbolizes deep emotional pain and heartbreak. It often appears in readings when there is a significant loss or separation, such as a breakup, divorce, or estrangement. This card can also indicate betrayal or a painful realization that brings sorrow. The imagery of three swords piercing a heart conveys the intensity of emotional or psychological pain that may come from words or actions.

Reversed: When the Three of Swords is reversed, it suggests the beginning of healing from past heartbreak. This position indicates a time of recovery, where you are starting to let go of past grievances and moving forward. The reversed Three of Swords represents the release of built-up emotional pain and the slow process of overcoming grief or betrayal. It encourages acceptance and forgiveness, helping you to find closure and emotional peace.

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Rest Restlessness
Recovery Stagnation
Contemplation Burnout
Passive healing Forced action
Meditation Renewal


Upright: The Four of Swords represents a period of rest and recovery. This card often appears when a time of respite is needed to heal and regain strength, especially after a challenging or stressful period. It symbolizes contemplation and passivity, suggesting that taking a step back to reassess and recharge is necessary. Meditation, quiet contemplation, and passive healing are emphasized to restore your mental and physical health.

Reversed: When the Four of Swords is reversed, it indicates that rest and recovery may have turned into inertia or stagnation. It suggests that you might be resting too much, leading to restlessness or a sense of being stuck. Alternatively, this card can signal that it’s time to end a period of rest and re-engage with the world. The reversed Four of Swords calls for action to renew energy and purpose, suggesting that it’s time to return to activity and address lingering challenges.

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Conflict Reconciliation
Defeat Forgiveness
Loss Moving past conflicts
Self-interest Making amends
Dishonor Learning from mistakes


Upright: The Five of Swords symbolizes conflict, defeat, and the empty victory of winning at others' expense. This card often appears when interactions are marred by hostility or when self-interest outweighs the collective good. It suggests a scenario where the outcome may involve deceit, betrayal, or unethical behavior to gain the upper hand. The Five of Swords warns of the consequences of vanquishing others through underhanded means, indicating that such a victory can lead to isolation and loss.

Reversed: When the Five of Swords is reversed, it suggests an opportunity for recovery from past conflicts or betrayals. It indicates a willingness to forgive or seek forgiveness, moving past contentious or competitive situations. The reversed card encourages learning from previous mistakes, promoting a shift towards resolution, peace, or reconciling differences. It calls for letting go of bitterness and working towards healing the wounds inflicted by previous disputes.

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Transition Resistance to change
Moving on Stagnation
Recovery Unfinished business
Rite of passage Returning to past issues
Journey Inability to let go


Upright: The Six of Swords symbolizes a journey or transition from a difficult situation to a more hopeful and stable state. This card often appears when you are moving away from turbulence toward a place of peace, suggesting recovery and healing. It represents a necessary rite of passage, where leaving behind the past is essential for growth. The journey may be emotional or physical, but it signifies a clear movement towards a better future.

Reversed: When the Six of Swords is reversed, it indicates a struggle with moving on or a resistance to making necessary changes. This position may suggest stagnation, where you are unable to leave behind troubling issues or you feel stuck in the current situation. Alternatively, it can indicate a return to previous troubles or unresolved issues, suggesting that more work needs to be done to truly move forward. The reversed Six of Swords calls for re-evaluating the barriers that prevent you from transitioning to a more promising phase of life.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Deception Coming clean
Strategy Reckoning
Stealth Misguided actions
Cunning Returning to ethics
Secrecy Desire for transparency


Upright: The Seven of Swords typically represents stealth, secrecy, and sometimes deception. It suggests that there may be a need to act strategically or cautiously to achieve your objectives, possibly by not revealing all your plans. This card can indicate the use of cunning or clever tactics in situations where direct confrontation would lead to failure. It often warns of the potential for deceit or betrayal, either by you or against you.

Reversed: When the Seven of Swords is reversed, it often signifies a revelation or exposure of secrets and deceptions. It may suggest that a period of underhanded actions is coming to an end, either through a desire to clean the slate or because hidden truths are coming to light. The reversed Seven of Swords calls for abandoning deceptive practices and embracing a more straightforward approach to solving problems, advocating for honesty and transparency.

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Restriction Self-liberation
Limitation New perspective
Confusion Freedom
Powerlessness Taking control
Victim mentality Clarity


Upright: The Eight of Swords represents a situation of restriction and limitation. This card often appears when you feel trapped by circumstances, believing there are no available options due to a mindset of powerlessness and confusion. The blindfold and bindings suggest mental and emotional barriers that prevent you from seeing the way out, though these restraints are often self-imposed. The Eight of Swords calls for a reassessment of your perceptions and encourages you to remove the blindfold of self-doubt to see the possibilities around you.

Reversed: When the Eight of Swords is reversed, it signifies a breaking free from previous restrictions and limitations. This position reflects gaining a new perspective, recognizing that the power to change your circumstances has been in your hands all along. The reversed Eight of Swords suggests a period of regaining control and stepping away from a victim mentality. It heralds a phase of self-liberation, where clarity and decisive action replace confusion and restriction.

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Anxiety Hope
Worry Overcoming fears
Fear Learning to cope
Despair Letting go of guilt
Mental anguish Beginning to heal


Upright: The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear, anxiety, and worry. It suggests a period where you may be overwhelmed by mental stress or nightmares. This card reflects deep-seated fears or a situation causing significant distress, leading to sleepless nights and unease. The Nine of Swords calls attention to the need to address these fears and seek help if necessary, as they can lead to a greater sense of isolation and despair if left unchecked.

Reversed: When the Nine of Swords is reversed, it indicates a movement towards overcoming these intense fears and anxieties. It suggests that you are starting to manage your worries more effectively or that a phase of intense mental anguish is coming to an end. The reversed position can also point to the release of guilt or a newfound ability to cope with previously overwhelming issues. It signifies the beginning of a healing process, where you start to see hope and find ways to heal your mental state.

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Betrayal Recovery
End of a cycle Resilience
Backstabbing Hope
Defeat Lessons learned
Crisis Renewal


Upright: The Ten of Swords represents a low point, where you may feel betrayed, backstabbed, or defeated. This card often symbolizes the end of a cycle characterized by a dramatic and painful conclusion. Despite its grim appearance, the Ten of Swords also suggests that this is the bottom, and things can only improve from here. It serves as a reminder that sometimes things need to fall apart to make room for something new and that every ending, no matter how difficult, is followed by a new beginning.

Reversed: When the Ten of Swords is reversed, it indicates a period of recovery and regeneration after a significant crisis. It suggests that you are beginning to rise above the difficulties and challenges that have overwhelmed you. The reversed position can also indicate that you are finding the strength and resilience to avoid hitting rock bottom or that you are learning significant lessons from your past experiences. This card in its reversed state is a sign of hope, resilience, and the personal strength needed to bounce back and move forward.

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Curiosity Deception
Alertness Manipulation
Mental agility Scatterbrained
Vigilance Miscommunication
News Dishonesty


Upright: The Page of Swords represents curiosity, mental agility, and vigilance. This card often suggests that you are exploring a new way of thinking or a new area of intellectual study. The Page of Swords is quick-witted and loves to gather and share information. He is often a messenger, possibly bringing news that may require your immediate attention. This card encourages you to remain alert and cautious, ready to tackle any intellectual or communicative challenges that come your way.

Reversed: When the Page of Swords is reversed, it indicates that there may be issues related to communication, such as speaking without thinking or using words to deceive. The reversed Page of Swords might be manipulative or untruthful, representing a person who uses their sharp mind and quick words irresponsibly. This position can also suggest scatterbrained behavior, where focus and concentration are needed but lacking. It warns against miscommunication or jumping to conclusions without all the facts.

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Action Recklessness
Determination Impulsiveness
Assertiveness Aggression
Directness Hasty decisions
Intellectualism Lack of direction


Upright: The Knight of Swords represents action, assertiveness, and determination. This card often appears when there is a need to charge ahead with intellectual force and clarity of thought. The Knight of Swords is quick to act and speaks with directness and authority. He uses his intellect and sharp wit to debate and communicate effectively. This Knight is all about progress and moving forward with plans, often with a burst of energy and purpose.

Reversed: When the Knight of Swords is reversed, it indicates that the qualities of the upright Knight are being taken to extremes, leading to recklessness or aggressive behaviors. This position suggests impulsive actions without forethought, which may lead to negative consequences. The reversed Knight of Swords may also represent a person who is argumentative, using their intellect to dominate others or engage in conflicts. It warns against making hasty decisions and encourages taking a more measured approach.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Clarity Cold-heartedness
Independence Bitterness
Sharp wit Overly critical
Honest Malicious
Perceptive Miscommunication


Upright: The Queen of Swords represents clarity of thought, independence, and sharp wit. She is known for her honest and direct communication, cutting through deception and misunderstanding to get to the truth. This card often signifies a person who is experienced and has a clear understanding of the world, using her intellect and perceptiveness to navigate challenges. The Queen of Swords encourages you to think clearly and communicate effectively, ensuring that your decisions are informed and your intentions are transparent.

Reversed: When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it suggests that her positive qualities are being expressed in negative or excessive ways. This might manifest as cold-heartedness, bitterness, or being overly critical of others. The reversed Queen can indicate a situation where communication is harsh or hurtful, possibly leading to alienation or resentment. This card warns against using your sharp intellect to manipulate or hurt others and encourages a reevaluation of how you convey your thoughts and feelings.

King of Swords

King of Swords

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Intellectual Manipulative
Authority Tyrannical
Ethical Overly analytical
Articulate Cold
Judicial Unscrupulous


Upright: The King of Swords symbolizes intellectual authority, clear thinking, and ethical behavior. He represents a powerful leader or influence who prioritizes fairness and truth, often involved in law or governance. The King of Swords uses his intellect to uphold justice and make decisions based on well-thought-out principles. This card encourages you to use clear communication and intellectual power to navigate through challenges, ensuring that you remain fair and truthful in your dealings.

Reversed: When the King of Swords is reversed, it indicates that the positive attributes of the King are being misused or distorted. This can manifest as manipulative behavior, using one’s intellect for selfish gains, or being overly critical and cold in judgment. The reversed King of Swords may suggest a figure who is tyrannical or unscrupulous, someone who uses their power and authority in unjust ways. This card warns against the misuse of intellectual power and encourages a reassessment of how to wield influence ethically.

The Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
New opportunity Missed opportunity
Prosperity Financial loss
Abundance Greed
Security Materialism
Potential wealth Delays in achievements


Upright: The Ace of Pentacles represents new beginnings in areas related to wealth, health, and material success. This card often signals the start of new financial opportunities or ventures that can lead to prosperity and security. It suggests the manifestation of a new project or investment that has the potential to grow and provide stability. The Ace of Pentacles encourages you to seize the opportunities that come your way and to trust in the abundance that the universe is offering you.

Reversed: When the Ace of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates a potential blockage or delay in the flow of prosperity and abundance. This position might suggest missed financial opportunities or investments that fail to pay off as expected. The reversed Ace of Pentacles can also warn against a focus on material gain to the exclusion of other life values, or it may signal greed or materialism that overshadows your ability to enjoy what you already have. It encourages reassessment of your approach to handling money and resources, suggesting caution in financial dealings.

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Balance Disorganization
Adaptability Overwhelmed
Time management Loss of control
Flexibility Financial stress
Juggling Imbalance


Upright: The Two of Pentacles represents juggling multiple responsibilities or priorities with ease and confidence. It suggests that you are managing your time and resources effectively, maintaining balance even amid change or fluctuating circumstances. This card often appears when you are multitasking successfully, adapting to various demands, and making adjustments as needed. The Two of Pentacles encourages flexibility and adaptability as you handle the complexities of your daily life.

Reversed: When the Two of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates a struggle with managing multiple aspects of your life simultaneously. This position suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed and unable to maintain balance, possibly leading to financial stress or disorganization. The reversed Two of Pentacles warns that you might be losing control over your commitments or finances, urging you to re-evaluate your priorities and simplify where possible to restore stability.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Teamwork Lack of teamwork
Collaboration Disorganization
Skill Mediocrity
Mastery Disharmony
Achievement Lack of appreciation


Upright: The Three of Pentacles symbolizes teamwork, collaboration, and achievement through skill and effort. This card often appears when you are working effectively with others, where your contributions are being acknowledged and valued. It represents the mastery of a skill and the initial fruits of your labor starting to show. The Three of Pentacles encourages you to continue collaborating and learning from others, as teamwork will lead to greater success and recognition.

Reversed: When the Three of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates issues in collaboration or teamwork. This might manifest as disorganization within a group, a lack of coordination, or conflicts that prevent effective working relationships. The reversed card can also point to a lack of recognition for your efforts or skills being underutilized or undervalued. It suggests that there may be a need to reassess your work environment or approach to projects, possibly indicating that your talents are not being adequately appreciated or deployed.

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Security Over-spending
Stability Greed
Conservatism Materialism
Control Generosity
Saving Financial insecurity


Upright: The Four of Pentacles represents a desire for security and stability, especially in financial and material aspects of life. This card often appears when someone is saving money, focusing on financial security, or holding onto resources tightly. It indicates a conservative approach to money management, where control over one's finances is paramount. The Four of Pentacles suggests a need to maintain order and stability in your financial affairs, possibly indicating a fear of financial instability leading to overly cautious or miserly behaviors.

Reversed: When the Four of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates a loosening of grip on financial and material possessions. This position can suggest either a positive opening up to generosity and sharing, or it may warn of financial carelessness and over-spending. Sometimes, the reversed Four of Pentacles reflects a realization that material security is not bringing emotional satisfaction, prompting a reassessment of values. It can also point to financial insecurity, prompting a need to reevaluate how resources are managed.

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Financial loss Recovery
Hardship Regaining stability
Poverty Spiritual poverty
Isolation Overcoming adversity
Worry Rebuilding


Upright: The Five of Pentacles typically signifies financial loss, hardship, and isolation. It often appears when you are feeling left out in the cold, possibly due to financial downturns or health issues that lead to worry and despair. This card may indicate a period of poverty, job loss, or financial insecurity, emphasizing the feeling of being excluded or neglected. The presence of this card can serve as a reminder to seek support and not to isolate yourself during tough times.

Reversed: When the Five of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests the beginning of recovery from financial or personal hardship. This position can indicate regaining financial stability, finding new sources of income, or recovering from illness. It may also suggest a phase where you are overcoming feelings of lack or exclusion, finding new hope or spiritual wealth. The reversed Five of Pentacles encourages resilience and reminds you that with effort and faith, it is possible to rebuild and move past adversities.

Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Generosity Selfishness
Charity Debt
Sharing Unequal exchange
Fairness Manipulation
Giving Strings attached


Upright: The Six of Pentacles represents generosity, sharing, and charity. This card often appears when you are in a position to give or receive help financially or otherwise. It emphasizes the flow of material resources between those who have and those who need, suggesting a balance of resources that benefits all parties. The act of giving, as depicted in the Six of Pentacles, is done fairly and judiciously, ensuring that generosity serves to uplift others without creating dependency.

Reversed: When the Six of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests issues related to generosity and fairness. This can manifest as holding back support, being overly controlling in how support is given, or using charity for personal gain. The reversed position might also indicate feeling burdened by debts or obligations, or experiencing unfairness in how resources are distributed. It warns of charitable acts that come with strings attached or help that manipulates or undermines the recipient, suggesting a need to reassess motivations behind giving or receiving aid.

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Assessment Frustration
Reward Impatience
Investment Lack of progress
Patience Unrewarded efforts
Reflection Discontent with results


Upright: The Seven of Pentacles represents a moment of reflection and assessment. It often appears when you are pausing to review the fruits of your labor and evaluate your progress towards your goals. This card suggests that patience and continued effort are needed to achieve long-term success. The Seven of Pentacles highlights the importance of strategic planning and investment, encouraging you to consider what has been accomplished and what adjustments might be necessary to continue growing and reaping rewards.

Reversed: When the Seven of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates frustration or impatience with slow progress. This position may suggest that despite hard work, the expected returns have not materialized, leading to feelings of disappointment or questioning the value of your efforts. The reversed Seven of Pentacles calls for a reassessment of your strategies or possibly a decision to cut losses if the current path is proving unfruitful. It warns against continuing to invest in a direction that no longer serves your broader aspirations.

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Mastery Lack of focus
Skill development Mediocrity
Diligence Poor quality
Attention to detail Lack of ambition
Craftsmanship Cutting corners


Upright: The Eight of Pentacles represents diligence, mastery, and high standards of workmanship. This card often appears when you are dedicated to learning a new skill or improving your abilities. It signifies a time of hard work and commitment to excellence, suggesting that your efforts will lead to success. The focus here is on the repetitive tasks that enhance your expertise and lead to a deeper understanding of your craft or trade. The Eight of Pentacles encourages you to keep working hard, as the attention to detail and dedication will bring rewarding results in the long run.

Reversed: When the Eight of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests that there might be a lack of focus or dedication to quality. This position can indicate half-hearted efforts or a tendency to cut corners, which may lead to substandard results. The reversed Eight of Pentacles warns against mediocrity and complacency in your work. It may also point to a lack of ambition or motivation to improve, suggesting that it’s time to reevaluate your approach and possibly reignite your passion for learning and development.

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Luxury Financial dependency
Self-sufficiency Materialism
Achievement Loss of stability
Comfort Overindulgence
Prosperity Neglect of values


Upright: The Nine of Pentacles represents luxury, self-sufficiency, and financial independence. This card often appears when you have achieved a level of success that allows for a comfortable lifestyle and financial security. It signifies enjoying the fruits of your labors and achieving prosperity through hard work and determination. The Nine of Pentacles also suggests a time when you can appreciate the finer things in life, thanks to your efforts and wise management of resources. It highlights comfort, achievement, and a high standard of living.

Reversed: When the Nine of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates potential financial dependency or instability. This position can suggest that you are overindulging in luxuries without maintaining the discipline required to sustain such a lifestyle. It may also point to a lack of satisfaction despite financial abundance, where materialism overshadows more substantial personal values. The reversed Nine of Pentacles warns against neglecting deeper, non-material aspects of life in pursuit of wealth and comforts.

Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Wealth Financial failure
Inheritance Loss
Family legacy Breakdown
Stability Short-term focus
Long-term success Disruption in family


Upright: The Ten of Pentacles represents wealth, stability, and established success. This card often appears when there is financial security and a comfortable living environment that has been built over time. It indicates not only material abundance but also a rich family life or a legacy that has been or is being established. The Ten of Pentacles can also suggest receiving an inheritance or benefiting from family or community ties. It highlights the importance of not just wealth, but also the structure and support of a family network.

Reversed: When the Ten of Pentacles is reversed, it signifies potential financial failure, loss, or instability that may impact the broader family or community. It can suggest problems with a family business or issues related to an inheritance that might not go as planned. The reversed Ten of Pentacles may also indicate a lack of focus on long-term security, possibly due to shortsighted or risky financial decisions. It warns of disruptions within the family unit or financial structure, urging a reevaluation of priorities to safeguard against future instability.

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Opportunity Procrastination
Study Lack of progress
Reflection Unfocused
News about money Wastefulness
Ambition Lack of direction


Upright: The Page of Pentacles represents opportunity, ambition, and the desire to achieve tangible results. This card often appears when you are exploring new opportunities to increase your wealth, improve your health, or invest in your education. The Page of Pentacles is all about the beginnings of success and the initial steps toward a practical goal. This Page is a diligent, reliable, and studious figure, often indicating a person who is focused on learning and development. It suggests that you are likely to receive news or messages regarding financial matters or educational pursuits.

Reversed: When the Page of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates a lack of progress or focus. This position can suggest procrastination, a failure to capitalize on opportunities, or difficulties in turning plans into action. The reversed Page of Pentacles may also point to impracticality or a lack of foresight, where financial or educational endeavors do not proceed as expected due to poor planning or unrealistic expectations. It encourages a reevaluation of your methods or perhaps a need to reground yourself in the practical realities of a situation.

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Reliability Stagnation
Efficiency Laziness
Hard work Procrastination
Methodical Boredom
Persistence Unadventurous


Upright: The Knight of Pentacles represents reliability, persistence, and a methodical approach to work and life. This card often appears when you are working steadily towards your goals with a high level of dedication and attention to detail. The Knight of Pentacles is known for his efficiency and perseverance, making him a dependable figure who takes his responsibilities seriously. This Knight suggests a time of hard work and commitment to standards, emphasizing the importance of a grounded and practical approach to achieving objectives.

Reversed: When the Knight of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests a need to re-evaluate your approach due to stagnation or lack of progress. This position may indicate laziness, procrastination, or a feeling of being stuck in a rut. The reversed Knight of Pentacles warns against becoming too unadventurous or overly cautious to the point of inactivity. It can also suggest boredom with the daily routine, encouraging you to shake things up a bit or find more efficient ways to complete your tasks.

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Nurturing Overprotectiveness
Practicality Neglect
Comfort Materialism
Financial savvy Insecurity
Resourcefulness Disconnection from nature


Upright: The Queen of Pentacles represents nurturing, resourcefulness, and a down-to-earth nature. She is often a figure who is very focused on practical affairs, particularly regarding home, family, and financial matters. This Queen is an excellent manager of household and business affairs, often using her financial savvy to increase comfort and security for herself and her loved ones. She suggests an approach that involves being attentive to the practical needs of others and making wise use of resources.

Reversed: When the Queen of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests a negative expression of her traits. This can manifest as neglect of home or family responsibilities, or an overemphasis on material wealth to the detriment of personal relationships. The reversed Queen of Pentacles can also indicate insecurity, perhaps financially or in one's ability to care for others. It warns against losing touch with the natural world and a grounded sense of reality, possibly becoming too caught up in materialistic pursuits.

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
Wealth Financially inept
Security Obsession with wealth
Success Stubbornness
Stability Corruption
Leadership Materialistic


Upright: The King of Pentacles represents wealth, security, leadership, and success in business and material matters. This card typically signifies a person who has achieved a lot in the financial or business realm and uses his resources wisely. The King of Pentacles is practical, reliable, and efficient, often serving as a stable figure who offers sound advice. He values tradition and achieves much through hard work and conventional methods. This King also enjoys the comforts of life and often shares his wealth and experience to benefit others.

Reversed: When the King of Pentacles is reversed, it suggests negative traits associated with wealth and power, such as corruption, materialism, or being overly conservative and resistant to change. This position can indicate a person who is financially inept or someone who misuses his financial power, possibly exploiting others for personal gain. The reversed King of Pentacles warns against letting the pursuit of material success overshadow more important personal values and relationships.